I’m a software engineer, interested in improving medical care with technology, diving into tough technical problems, and using code to solve annoyances of daily life.

I’m currently at Amazon, where I’m a software engineer working on migrations for the (open source) OpenSearch project. Before that, I worked on architecture and infrastructure for Amazon Care until it was shut down. In the ~5 years before I came to Amazon, I was at a couple different medical/health startups: Alan, Bainbridge Health and Butterfly Network. I’ve lived in New York, Salt Lake City, Philadelphia, and Paris, but home is now (and for good) Denver, Colorado.

Recent projects outside of work include a a RAG-based LLM agent to answer questions about house rules for board games, a browser extension to create JIRA issues from Github Pull Request comments, an interface to perform sophisticated template completion in docx files, and a web app to generate quarterly distribution letters for investor groups.

To contact me, try email: [anything]@mikayla.codes. You can also find me on Github or LinkedIn.